Authentic Translations Ltd abides by the Chartered Institute of Linguists’ Code of Conduct, which means undertaking to:

  • Always act with integrity and in accordance with the high standards appropriate to practitioners within the profession;
  • Only accept work which it believes it has the competence both linguistically and in terms of specialist knowledge or skill to carry out to the standard required by the client;
  • Treat as confidential any information acquired through a commission of work and not disclose any such information to third parties;
  • Strive to produce work of the highest standard, to endeavour to complete work by the agreed dates and in accordance with other agreed terms, and to advise the client in good time of any delay or need to amend the agreed terms.

We are also committed to professional development. Our translators are committed professional who are constantly maintaining and enhancing expertise and who:

  • Believe in the highest standards of professional conduct in the translation business;
  • Are committed to a process of life-long learning in their chosen profession;
  • Comply with the generally accepted rules of professional conduct;
  • Plan their continued professional development (CPD) on an annual basis and take responsibility for maintaining their learning objectives and career goals;
  • Keep a record of the CPD they undertake and are happy to provide details to clients;
  • Think about each course, workshop and presentation that they attend and assess its value within their CPD plan;
  • Reflect on the opportunities that the course, workshop or presentation in question has opened up to them;

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